Practice Signals
Try our signals on a practice account and see how much money you would be making!
To get started, download these two apps:
1. MetaTrader 5: This is where you will make the trades/ practice trades
2. Telegram: This the messaging platform you will receive the Signals (What trades to make) + Network Group Chat
Next, join the Gem Central Chat on Telegram.
Wait for a signals to come through.
They can come at any time throughout the day, so don't worry if you miss one, as there will always be more.
Then, input the signal into
MetaTrader 5.
If you don't know how to do this,
then take a look at our "Learn"
Have a play around,
and get used to
inputting the signals
Take as much time as you need to practice. There is no time limit.
Once you get comfortable with using the practice account. You will be ready to invest real money and start seeing a return